2024-09-04 | Professor Wang’s visit in Brno

Prof. Wang from the National Taipei University of Technology visited Brno again. He met his colleagues from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication and also from the Institute of Physics of Materials. The research group focuses on 3D printing of smart materials for use in bioapplications.

Prof. Wang takes selfie with the Czech research group at the Institute of Physics of Materials

2024-08-12 | Award of prof. Jaroslav Buchar (SVS FEM s.r.o.)

Congratulations to Ing. Lukáš Janáčik for the second place for his diploma thesis Stress-strain Analysis of Hip Spacer supervised by Dr. Petr Marcián. The diploma thesis (in Slovak) is available here .

Stress-strain Analysis of Hip Spacer

2024-06-05 | Augmented M5 Model

The new Augmented M5 geometry of the human vocal fold surface is now available on Github ! More details are given here .

2024-05-22 | Podcast: Peristaltic pump

Check podcast (in Czech) about our latest invention – the program-controlled peristaltic pump!

Peristaltic pump

Peristaltic pump with blood circulation

Peristaltic pump with blood circulation

2023-06-25 | 3D Model of a Vascular Malformation

Malformation – this is a congenital vascular disease. A cluster of blood vessels and tissues forms under the skin, which can resemble a large tumor. Doctors at the University Hospital Brno can now use life-size 3D models created in our laboratory during operations. Watch the TV show here (in Czech).

Dr. Petr Marcián preparing the 3D model of the malformation